Now you can
buy your own autographed copy of the best Spratling
focused books listed below!
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Silver: A Field Guide Recognizing
a William Spratling Treasure
Author: Phyllis M.
Tyler Paine 2003

of the comments:
is one of the finest practical guides on collectible silver
that I have ever seen. Every page represents hard-won knowledge
in a way that can be easily assimilated by other collectors.
..Goddard's Field Guide will become the Spratling
collectors' 'Bible' for decades to come." - Will Chandler,
Silver Magazine November-December 2003
hat goes off to you! On behalf of myself and Spratling lovers
everywhere I want to thank you for researching and producing
the definitive guide to William Spratling's hallmarks. You
tackled a confusing and complex area and came up with a clear
and interesting field guide that will prove valuable for years
to come. I really enjoyed reading it page by page." -
Sandy Cederwall
book! Worth every penny AND MORE!!!!" - Fredrica Monosson
a passionate collector, an excellent writer and a meticulous
researcher could fashion a book like A Field Guide to
Spratling Silver. Phyllis Goddard not only covers the
topic of Spratling Silver brilliantly, but the book also is
the very model of how a treatise on collecting should be written
and produced" - Ed Schwartz
wonderful! The book looks absolutely, the content
is so intensely packaged with the information everybody needs,
and presented in a truly easy-to-use format, too." -
Bille Hougart
- Was
everything marked with a Conquistador hallmark designed
by Spratling?
- According
to its hallmarks what are the appropriate "links"
part on authentic Spratling cuff links?
- What
hallmarks should appear on any Spratling jewelry that includes
amethyst tulips?
- Should
I polish my silver - and if so, how?
- What
kind of necklace clasps and bracelet clasps did Spratling
use and when was each used in his authentic designs?
- Why
is an Eagle 63 tertiary hallmark authentic only when used
with a WS Script Square primary hallmark?
- I
have a Spratling bracelet of silver and bronze with Third
Design Period hallmarks. Is it a fake?
- What
hallmarks should appear on designs with shallow incised
parallel lines?
This new book has
been designed for both the new and the experienced collector.
There are sections on each of Spratling's three design periods.
For each design period there are dozens of photos depicting
the unique design elements, figural themes, materials used,
and construction features that are typical for that specific
period of time. Spratling's hallmarks - including authenticated
variations are depicted in both the text and easy to follow
charts. Learn to distinguish between authentic vs.
copy. An additonal section discusses care of Spratling
silver. Three indices enable one to find any item by design
features (hands, serpents, applied discs, etc.), materials
(tortoise shell, amethyst, obsidian, azur-malachite, etc.)
or by kind of item (necklace, bracelet, bowl, ashtray, etc.).
The book has been organized to enable users to locate complete
information quickly and easily. There are more than 500 photos
in this full color, easy to carry soft cover book. The information
contained in the book is far more extensive than what appears
on this website and is in a format specifically designed for
this book. The two resources are designed to complement each
other rather than to serve as a substitute. No
autograph. $39.95
Spratling Silver: A
Field Guide
Your Price: $39.95 each plus priority mail shipping
cost of $4.00 per book. |
The Little Book of Mexican Silver Trade and Hallmarks
Second Edition
Author: Bille Hougart
TBR International, Inc. 2006 |
The 2006 new and revised 2nd edition of the
bestselling reference guide to identifying Mexican
silver is
compact, but loaded with images and graphics of over
1500 marks of silver makers, designers,
manufacturers and silver houses in Taxco and
throughout Mexico. Eagle numbers from 1 through
eagle 219. The book includes all the great ones,
including William Spratling, Hector Aguilar, Antonio
Pineda, Sigi, Maricela, Salvador, Valentín
Vidaurreta, Victoria, Fred Davis, Navarrete, Emma,
Goodspeed, Maciel, Tane, Hubert Harmon, Chato, Matl,
Margot and many, many others.
The book is fully cross-referenced and indexed for
quick and handy searches. "Nowhere else are so
many of the hallmarks, both known and unknown,
brought together in one easy-to-use volume"
(Modern Silver Magazine).
The original 2001 edition was reprinted 5 times to
meet demand. The new edition reveals identities of
many mystery marks and includes examples of marks
never published before. Special sections describing
fake marks are included for prominent designers!
This is a must have for collectors, dealers,
appraisers and fans of Mexican sterling silver
jewelry and silver crafts.
Autographed by Bille Hougart. $24.95. No longer available.
Little Book of Mexican Silver Trade and Hallmarks
First Edition
Author: Bille Hougart
TBR International, Inc. 2001 |
This is the most
comprehensive compilation of Mexican silver hallmarks available!
It includes more than 1200 marks - hallmarks, eagle marks,
current registry marks, and alphabetical lists of initials.
The indexing and cross referencing in the book make it very
easy to find information. A "must have" for
anyone interested in Mexican silver! The 6" x 9"
format makes it easy to carry along as one searches for new
treasures! Autographed by Bille Hougart.$17.45. No longer available.
This excellent biography of William Spratling is filled with
previously unpublished information and insights on a most
extraordinary man! Through Mark's writing, one has a sense
of the spirit of the man ... his impatience, his passions, his
broad interests, and his caring about the essence of Mexico's
people and their timeless art. William Faulkner, Diego Rivera,
Miguel Covarrubias, Mary Anita Loos, and others appear throughout
this chronicle of Spratling's life. The story of Spratling's
Mexican adventures can only enhance one's appreciation for
his timeless designs. The full and active life he experienced
as he created his silver designs, managed his company, bought
and sold pre-Columbian art, authored books, and more is well
portrayed in this book, as is his lonely existence in his
later years. This well researched and documented book includes
photographs and drawings. Autographed by Joan Mark.
$29.95 No longer available.
Color of Silver: William Spratling His Life and
Author: Taylor D. Littleton
Louisiana State University Press 2000 |
A scholarly
account of William Spratling is based primarily on Spratling's
personal correspondence with his family. Soon after
Spratling's mother died in 1910, Spratling's father took his
three children back to the Alabama family plantation known
as Roamer's Roost. For less than a year the children
remained in the care of their grandfather (Spratling's father
went on to Florida alone) and by 1913, the children were separated
and sent to live with various relatives. Thus was born
an active correspondence that served to strengthen Spratling's
sense of family. Most of Spratling's correspondence
with his family occurred before 1929 and prior to his move
to Mexico, and so the strength of the new insights and perspective
this book provides are most significant concerning the formative
period of Spratling's life. This personal chronicle
has never been made public and now sheds light on the experiences
and feelings that shaped the life of William Spratling.
Littleton provides extensive and rich context for these events
so the reader has a strong sense of the times. Throughout
the book Littleton provides material that contradicts some
of Spratling's own writings in his autobiography, File
on Spratling published posthumously in 1967. Autographed
by Taylor Littleton. $34.95 No longer available.
Spratling and the Mexican Silver Renaissance
Author: Penny C. Morrill with essays by John W. Scott,
Helen Delpar, Adriana Williams, Gobi Stromberg, Jaime
Castrejón Diez, Christie Romero, Patrick Kapty, Phyllis
Goddard, and Jill Crawford
Harry N. Abrams, Inc. in Association with the San Antonio
Museum of Art 2002 |
This book was published
as both a catalogue for the traveling museum exhibit Maestros
de Plata sponsored by the San Antonio Museum of Art,
with Penny C. Morrill, Guest Curator AND as an extraordinary
new reference volume that tells the story of William Spratling's
designs and seven decades of silversmiths' art in Mexico.
Essays include Renaissance - Transformation
by Penny C. Morrill, William Spratling in New Orleans
- The 1920s by John W. Scott, Mexico and Taxco,
1920 - 1940: Meccas for North Americans by Helen Delpar,
Covarrubias, Spratling, and Davis by Adriana
Williams, Origins and Development of the Taxco Silver
Industry by Gobi Stromberg, Spratling and the
Taxqueñians by Jaime Castrejón Diez, Mexican Metalsmithing
Techniques by Christie Romero, The Matter of
Taxco by Patrick Kapty, Reflections of a Collector by Jill
Crawford, William Spratling: His Hallmarks and Stylistic
Development by Phyllis Goddard, Hallmarks
by Penny C. Morrill and Phyllis Goddard.
This is an exceptional
reference volume for anyone interested in Mexican silver of
the 20th century! There are 450 illustrations with 350
in full color. 284 pages. Autographed by Penny Morrill.
$60.00. No longer available.
Silver: Supplement to 1962 Catalog
Facsimile Reproduction of Spratling's Wholesale Catalog,
Digitally enhanced by Jeanne Breslin |
This is much better
than the original copy of the catalogue that I have in my
collection! The original printing and paper quality
was poor, but this slightly larger and digitally enhanced
version, spirally bound and on coated paper is terrific!
There are twenty pages of actual photos of Spratling designs
that he offered for sale in 1962, each labeled with his catalogue
ID number. A number of items are shown per page including
jewelry, household objects and representative items from his
entire line. The back of the catalogue includes Spratling's
wholesale price list (in pesos and in U.S. currency) for each
item. This is the same supplement Spratling used until
his death in 1967. He merely changed the price list
insert in the back of the catalogue. Spratling's catalogues
are FUN! as well as a wonderful reference aid. Available in the
Jewelry and Art Metal section of the
Antique and Vintage Catalogs eBay store.
Silver Centennial Edition
Author: Sandraline Cederwall and Hal Riney
Chronicle Books 2000
of new photographs of outstanding Spratling
items (three photographs from the first edition have been
deleted), an updated hallmark explanation and hallmark
page, a new Preface and the new Introduction
by Cederwall make this beautiful book a "must have"
even if you already own the first edition. The same format
is continued in this volume with specific dimensions, materials,
and hallmarks given for each item. As before, the photography
of the new items (a full page is devoted to each) is masterful!
The dust jacket photograph is one of a pair of book-ends by
Spratling. Cederwall remarked to me "There were
so many images to choose from that would have made great cover
shots. I selected the "Hand" because it was
...totally universal. Spratling was more than... a designer
of Mexican jewelry and silver. I believe he should rank
with the best of the international designers."
This expanded Centennial Edition is an important reference
for the Spratling collector as well as for those who study
and appreciate exceptional design. 176 pages.
Autographed by Sandy Cederwall. $50.00. No longer available.
a Collector's Item
Author: Sandraline
Cederwall and Hal Riney
Chronicle Books 1990
This First Edition "out
of print" book is far more than a "coffee table"
book although it could certainly qualify for that description.
Each of the forty-four full page photographs is a masterpiece!
On the page facing each photograph is specific hallmark, materials
used and dimension information for the item of hollowware
or jewelry pictured. Barnaby Conrad's text is interspersed
with Spratling drawings and photographs. A full page
of general hallmark information (compiled by Ed Forcum and
me more than twelve years ago) is also included. 128 pages.
Autographed by Sandy Cederwall. $132.00. No longer available.
Mexican Silver
Third Edition
Penny Chittim Morrill and Carole A. Berk.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 2001. |
is the most recent revised edition of the volume originally
published in 1994. Mexican Silver is the first definitive
reference book devoted to Mexican silver of the twentieth
century with a strong emphasis on Spratling's designs and
production. The work of a number of designers is presented,
but it generally is within the context of Spratling's influence.
Extensive references are cited including conversations with
Spratling's contemporaries in Mexico and the United States,
Spratling documents retained by the Sucesores de William Spratling,
and archival documents from government and library sources.
The book includes more than 400 photographs, a listing of
hallmarks used by Mexican silversmiths, and a value reference
guide. This book is a "must" for anyone interested in learning
more about Mexican silver, Taxco silver designers, and William
Spratling. Autographed by Penny Morrill. $59.95 No longer available.
Another Book...
Personal Encounters with
William Faulkner, Carl Sandburg, Gertrude Stein, William Spratling,
Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and T.S. Eliot by
Ralph Hammond was published in December 2001. The two
sections on Spratling describe Hammond's personal account
and experiences with Spratling when Spratling received an
Honorary Doctorate degree from Auburn University in 1962.
Livingston Press of The University of West Alabama is the
A Delightful Magazine Article...
Alabama Heritage Magazine,
Number 59, Winter 2001, published in February 2001, contains
a ten page, delightful and informative article entitled "William
Spratling" by Wayne Greenhaw. The cover of
the magazine is a beautiful photograph of a Spratling necklace.
The article itself is accompanied by photographs of Spratling
as well as drawings and photographs of some of his designs.
Copies of the magazine can be ordered from Alabama Heritage,
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.
Telephone number is 205.348.7467. Cost of the magazine
is $8.50 including postage and handling.
Another Great Magazine
The story of the reappearance
- after fifty years - of Spratling's Alaskan models is told
by Anya Montiel, a research assistant for the Indian Arts and Crafts
Board Headquarters Collection of the National Museum of the American
Indian. The article, "Remarkable Story Uncovered"
appears in the Smithsonian's American Indian Magazine, Spring
2002. The magazine is published quarterly as an NMAI member
benefit; annual membership is $20. To become a member, call
1.800.242.6624 or visit NMAI's website at
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